Naughty Step

Discipline tends to be one of those subjects that not many people talk about and one which we often don't ask questions about.  There are lots of different ideas and methods to discipline and the one we chose to implement in our house was the naughty step.

My two year old understands the principles behind the naughty step and often the warning is more than enough.  Our dog today was barking at the postman, like most dogs do.  I told him to stop and he continued to bark and my daughter said 'doggie barking Mummy', I said 'Yes darling, he is naughty not listening to Mummy', she said 'Yes Mummy' and proceed into the hall, where I could here her shouting 'Doggie come here' over and over, followed by 'Doggie naughty step now' I could not stop laughing and watched with amusement as she tried to get him to sit on the naughty step.

This day I love naughty step.

Wot So Funee?

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  1. Lord I wish we could make dogs sit on the naughty step for barking! Kids are so much easier, no??

    1. Well kids bark less, but im not sure about easier?

  2. That was so funny, I would have been in stitches, I have a 2 year old too and she keeps us well amused! Never going to use the naughty step though, am trying other modes of dealing with "naughtyness"

    1. we tried a few and naughty step seemed to work for us. It was rather funny I don't think our dog quite knew what to make of it though.

  3. thats so great and made me smile :-)


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