Review : Number Bundle

My husband and I both have degrees in engineering, which means we both have a love and passion for maths and science.  Our minds seem to work in a logical fashion and we enjoy the challenge that numbers bring.  Our eldest daughter seems to also have an analytical mind and can spot patterns and sequences very quickly. 

When I received an email from Numberbundle I actually got incredibly excited.  Numberbundle are mathematical activity boxes which support both the Early years foundations stage and National Curriculum for children 3 -7.  The boxes cost £21 for a single box or can be a monthly subscription and cost £16.99 per month.  Each month the boxes take on a different topic from the national curriculum and cover a range of activities.  The activities include cookery, arts, crafts, games, puzzles, cross stitch, outdoor play, science and story.  I was very keen to see the boxes and see what the girls thought of them

Numberbundle box

First impressions on the boxes were great, both girls wanted to open the boxes up straight away and have a look inside.  Inside the boxes there is a card explaining the activities and the topic they are supporting.  Then cards for each of the activities, including full instructions and finally some of the materials you may need for each activity.  Although not all materials are included those that are not are easy to source, such as glue, water and newspaper.

Inside Numberbundle box

The girls had different boxes each suited to their specific age group, my youngest is Early years and my eldest is Year 1.  Inside my youngest Numberbundle box the topic was big and small, the topic for my eldest was money.  The girls looked through the enclosed activities and we picked one to do.

Selecting numberbundle activity

The great thing about the cards is that they not only contain full, clear instructions of the activity and how to do it, but they also contain discussion points.  This gives me as a parent an idea of the topic that is taught at school and ways in which I can incorporate this into daily life.  For the girls, they did not realise they were doing maths based activities, and instead simply had fun with the activities they had chosen.

My eldest wanted to make a papermache money box pig.  We used this to discuss tearing paper into halves and quarters, used the legs to count and work out how many legs we would need.  Calculate how many more money boxes we could make with the material we had left and calculate the fraction of water to glue for our mixture. 

Making pig

My youngest chose to do the playdough mat activity.  We had already made some playdough, but there was a recipe to make playdough included.  We used the playdough mats to make ears, tails and wings and discuss which animal had the bigger ears, the elephant or the mouse?  Did my youngest have bigger or smaller ears?  Whilst she could do some of the activity independently, making the ears for example, we discussed bigger and smaller together as she played.

which is bigger?

I really love how Numberbundle encourages discussion around each activity in a fun way, so the girls did not feel like they were learning but instead just playing.  It has helped me as a parent gain a better understanding of the activities the girls do at school, which means I can support their learning at home.  Numberbundle are also a great way to engage with your children as they do each activity so you can do things together, as well as supporting independent learning also.

I am giving away a Numberbundle box worth £21 to one reader, giveaway is via the Gleam widget below and ends on the 12th March 2016 at midnight GMT. Full terms and conditions are on the widget.


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