39 weeks update

If you read my post 29th, you will know I was really hoping for Thing 3 to arrive on this date.  As it is I am able to write a 39 week update.  

It has been one of those strange weeks.  I fitted all the car seats, tidied the house and generally enjoyed time to myself.  Even making  a massage appointment for this week.  Both dogs now seem protective and have a need to be with me.

Bump is 2/5 engaged and still following the growth curve.  Although whilst the midwife was measuring, baby kept wiggling which altered the shape and size of bump.

I generally feel ok, just swollen legs.  I am trying to make the most of the time left.  Thing 3 seems happy which is what matters.

This bump photo is at 38wks+6days, the day things changed.  

At 38wks and 5days I was admitted to triage, they suspected my waters had broke but could not be certain.  No contractions but they confirmed I had lost my plug.  Baby also gone back to back.  Spent the day trying to get baby to turn.

38wks and 6days at 6pm contractions start every 4 minutes but are not too strong and at 11.30pm have stopped.  Heavy bleeding starts. 

39wks admitted to hospital with irregular contractions that are very strong but short lasting and heavy bleeding.  Baby is checked and said to be fine but fully engaged, back to back.  I am discharged at 10.30 am and told to come back if my contractions become regular, every 2-3 minutes and last more than 45 seconds.  My contractions never became regular and I did not go back into hospital.  We left the hospital confused.  

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