Review : Sing-a-ma-lings

The girls would like to introduce you to Sing-a-ma-lings

Sing-a-ma-lings are soft, huggable characters that have very silly voices and love to sing.  As you can see from the video the girls love to sing with their sing-a-ma-lings.  Each Sing-a-ma-ling has its own song to sing.  The girls ones sing Row row row your boat and the other Mary had a little lamb.  As well as singing the Sing-a-ma-lings talk and can harmonise with each other.

Each Sing-a-ma-ling is also slightly different and the girls are keen to point this out in their video.  At £9.99 RRP they are a perfect gift and as they harmonise when there is more than one it is certainly worth having at least two.  The girls have asked if they can collect them all, which shows they must like them.  Little Man has also taken a liking to them, especially their funny voices and the way their mouths move when the sing, a huge hit all round!

All words are my own opinion. 

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  1. ah1 they are really cute! Better than your average teddy!


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