These past few weeks have been absolutely rubbish. Well rubbish work wise. My laptop decided to pack in and so rather than buying a new one I tried the cheaper options of replacing the parts that had broken. Only after waiting for parts to be delivered and then none of them actually solving the issue I had to bite the bullet, so to speak, and purchase a new laptop.
At the same time as this laptop fiasco was happening a new shop, Shopetino, opened and contacted me to giveaway 10 Limited Edition Shopetino Shoppers. I have been trying for over 20 days to get this competition live. It is almost impossible on my phone to do so. In fact trying to code on my phone gave me a headache and I had to admit defeat.
Shopetino is a new lifestyle store for babies and children up to the age of eight focusing on clothing, accessories, jewellery and interiors. Shopetino showcases new, niche and independent brands that offer luxury and craft at affordable prices - such as Carlie Grace, XOKiddo, Jumbo & Friends, Gooseberry Fools, Mama & Belle, Sophie Home and many, many more.
I love the look and feel of Shopetino, and it is founded by a Mum too. Please do head over and take a look and good luck in the giveaway. Full terms and conditions including closing date and time can be found on the widget below:
This day I love comments and I read everyone