An evening at the circus
I honestly cannot remember the last time I went to the circus. I mean I can remember going, it was the time when animals still featured heavily in the shows and of course clowns too. I can remember sitting on wooden benches in a cold tent and eating popcorn as the show unfolded in front of me. I cannot remember taking the children, and they cannot remember visiting before, which made our recent trip very exciting.
We travelled around 45 minutes to York to visit The Paulos Circus. The large pink tent was easy to spot from the A1237 and had plenty of free parking. We arrived 40 minutes before the start of the show. Having reserved our tickets in advance we were able to collect from the box office. People had already started to arrive for the next show, and were queueing to book tickets as the 4.30pm show was fully booked. I would recommend coming early for tickets but also because you choose your own seats, so arriving early gives you more seating options.
There was a real magical feeling inside the tent. Warm string lights, a soft mist on the circus floor and stars lined the sky. I was surprised at how warm it was inside and we all settled into our seats to watch the performance.
With hindsight I wish we had arrived earlier for better seats, but we were still excited and looking forward to the show. A countdown began.
The show began and I began to realise what a bad choice I had made in seats. My daughter who was sat at the side of me could see and I instead watched the show via the shadows on the tent roof and the expressions on my children. They were engrossed. They hid when the performers were performing stunts blindfolded, watching instead through the gaps in their fingers.
The show lasted for an hour and ten minutes and had no interval, but we didn't notice the time as it simply flew by. We were treated to traditional performances like juggling and knife throwing, more modern performances with lasers and of course some high flying stunts and acrobatics.
There was a buzz in the tent before the final act. The tightrope walk.
The girls watched through the gaps in their fingers again. In complete awe at the skill from each performer. I don't think they could quite believe what they were seeing.
The show came to an end, it in no way felt like over an hour had gone past and the girls would have happily sat and watched more. Little Man at 2 years old was just as captivated by what he could see, plus the show had bubbles. What 2 year old doesn't love bubbles?
No sooner had we left than the girls were asking when we could come again. I asked them their favourite parts my youngest daughter said she liked the bum wig and 'no music here' [You will have to go see the show to see what she means], my eldest said she liked the red spinning rings the best. I always have admiration for any acrobatics and stunts so personally its hard for me to pick a favourite part but I think Los Sanchez might have stole the show for me.
I only have 2 regrets, the first is we didn't get there early so we had limited choice in seating and the second is I didn't take my proper camera. I had to use my phone and whilst they are ok images I know they could be much better.
The girls would love to visit again and I would love to take them. For full details of The Paulos circus visit their Facebook page .
Our tickets were provided in exchange for this review, all words are my own personal opinion.
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