fit for a princess

Sometimes my daughter goes into 'Little Princess mode'.  Its not a bad thing, I think its her way of 'testing boundaries'.  She informed me quite clearly that she wanted to eat only Princess food.  Now I am not 100% sure what Princess food is, and when asked my daughter simply replies 'Princess food Mummy' with a slight sarcastic twist to it.  I needed a plan.

I turned to my cookbooks for inspiration but drew a blank.  Earlier in the week I had received a cook book to review, the kids only cookbook by Sue Quinn.  

the kids only cook book

I opened the cookbook and found the perfect Princess recipe  'Toasty Baskets'.  I figured I could make them look like crowns with jewels.  

inside the cook book

The idea behind the cookbook is to encourage kids to have fun in the kitchen.  The emphasis on the book is to have fun.  It does not matter if things don't go right, the important part is trying.  The cookbook is laid out really simply making it great for a child to follow and it has a simple star system to indicate how easy the recipe is to do.  My daughter is 3 and although she can read some words she would struggle to follow a recipe  she can however follow what I explain to her to do.  So here she is making her Toasty baskets.  

I think they turned out really well

Toasty basketfresh from the oven

The girls enjoyed the Toasty Baskets, they did taste very nice.

eating our Princess foodEating the basket

After all that cooking and eating, we needed to get some fresh air.  I asked my eldest what she wanted to do and she said 'we need to take this bread to the ducks.'  A good idea I thought so off we went.

My eldest didn't want to get out of her royal carriage to feed the ducks, so she stayed in there and fed them.

feeding the ducks from the pushchair

The ducks got a little scared I think by the size of the pushchair and soon swam away, there was only one left.

one little duck

My daughter decided to get out and feed them and they all started to come back

the ducks came backfeeding the ducks

There was one final thing to do when we returned home and that was to ride the royal horse

the Royal horseriding the horse

This day I love fit for a princess

If you would like to take know more about the kids only cookbook take a look at the following video

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  1. Looks like a great cookbook and that you had a great time with the ducks

  2. hehehe, I'm loving her having a princess day, the mind of a 3 year old girl eh, mine is exactly the same Leyla.
    Your crowns look fab and I love their royal horse, he is quite a steed :)

  3. Glad I have a prince at times - slightly less demanding. The cookbook looks great #countrykids

  4. Good going to keep up with a princess for a day! The Canada geese look perfectly regal too.

  5. The cookbook looks fab. I haven't done any cooking with Little Man yet but I know he does cooking at nursery. Hopefully I'll get time to make some cupcakes with him this weekend. :-)

  6. What a cute video, your little princess did very well! I love the theme for the day and the fact that the ducks came over once she got out of the pushchair. Thanks for sharing your royal adventures with Country Kids.


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