
We love Gloop!  It is so much fun and so easy to make.  You need Cornflower and water.  Put as much cornflower as you like into a bowl and then slowly add water to it, mixing.  When the consistency is of a thick milkshake there is enough water and you are ready to play!  I added some food colouring to the Gloop! to help aid my youngest understanding of colour and plus it just looks prettier!

Mixing blue gloopMixing green gloop
Gloop! is great fun to play with.  It starts like a liquid but the more you mix, stir, squish etc it becomes solid allowing you to build towers and castles from it.  The girls loved exploring the texture with their hands

using hands in glooppicking up gloop

 And it was not long before they got their feet in too

feet in gloop

The lovely thing about gloop! is it also appears to melt.  This was a great way to discuss melting with my eldest and as she is a big Frozen fan it was also great to talk about snow and link it to something she could relate to.

Melting gloop

Gloop! is so much fun to play with and for messy play it is surprisingly easy to clean up after.  As when the gloop! dries it is just like flour which can be swept up!

end playing with gloop

This day I love Gloop!

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  1. I've never tried that with my two.....I think I may have to! Outside though as I know they'll get it x

    1. Mine got it everywhere but it was easy to clean up

  2. This is actually my idea of hell! Oh the mess, all the mess!! :) x

  3. I've not tried that, but keep meaning to have a go as it looks like lots of fun!
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

    1. It was lots of fun, do let me know if you try it

  4. Ah we love gloop too! Next you need to try it with hair conditioner... :D
    x x x


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