Down to single figures
Before Christmas March seemed an eternity away. In my mind I was having a baby in 2016, which may sound silly but it was all happening next year. We are now at next year and I have hit panic stations. 9 weeks to go, is no time at all. I do not think I am quite ready yet. There are still things to finish in the nursery and I have to pack my hospital bag.
Thing 3 is still measuring 2 weeks ahead and I am beginning to feel it all in my lower back. This week Braxton Hicks have started and they have started really strong. I hardly noticed them with the girls but for some reason they are really strong this time around.
I have been so thankful for my dream genii this week. I have needed the extra support at night to keep my pelvis in line and the support for my bump. I am still in pain but seem to be coping better. Perhaps it is because I am allowing my body time to recover from the running and walking I did, or perhaps it is due to Thing 3 moving positions, but whatever it maybe I seem to be having more good days than bad.
Having said the above the pain maybe coming and going but the tiredness seems to have returned in full force. My energy feels depleted by mid afternoon and I do not think the cold dark mornings are helping. My legs have swollen again, but they seem to do this in pregnancy. We did have a scan done at the end of 30 weeks and it was so wonderful to see Thing 3. I cannot stop looking at the photos
I need to sort a car seat for Thing 3, yes I realise I have left it rather late. I have a couple I am looking at the moment, the Kiddy Evo Luna fix, Jane Matrix and Cybex cloud Q. All have the ability to lie flat in the car, which is something I would love the car seat to be able to do. I am also looking at pushchairs as I would love to start running again, as soon as I get the all clear, and would therefore love a pushchair I can take Thing 3 running with me. Ideally a pushchair that will also be able to handle the school run and handle daily routine.
I am looking forward to finishing the nursery in the next week or so and packing my hospital bag. I cannot quite believe we are now down to single figures and there are only 9 weeks to go until we meet Thing 3!
I was in the same situation a year ago and now Little 3 is 10 months old this week, time does fly. It suddenly dawned on me after Christmas that I was having a baby soon #maternitymondays
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