Project 365 : Week 6

Splash in the mudride rocking horseI want to go outside please

What a miserable week weather wise week 6 has been.  The only advantage to this weather is that my 3 year old gets to have lots of fun playing in the mud and splashing in puddles.  Although we also get a face like we had on Monday when its too late to go out and play.  The girls spent some time at Grandmas on Tuesday and my youngest had a lot of fun in her rocking horse.

sleep at long lastbond between youngest and our dogEldest and her new favourite toy

Would you believe this photo of my daughter sleeping was taken at 5.30am?  Why you might ask, well because from 11pm to 5.20am she screamed the house down and refused to go to sleep.  I was a little shocked she finally went and had to photo it.  My eldest received a new toy to review, Disney Princess Pets Palace, and she absolutely loves it.  I mean really loves it.  I was getting the girls ready for nursery and my youngest had gone to find our dog.  I found them curled up together just chilling.  They have a real bond together.

eldest on a toadstool

A brief break in the miserable rain and just long enough to find a beautiful fairy sitting on a toad stool! 

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  1. oh that is a lot of mud in the first photo, glad you managed to get out even briefly x

  2. Lovely photos of your girls. Aww that face even though she is upset at not being able to go out is kind of cute.

  3. Love the fairy and the cuddles with the dog! Hope the weather improves and perfect nights of sleep this week. #365


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